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Friday, November 20, 2009

Toronto the Good to finance global green revolution

Alright kids, here's the scoop: Toronto Ontario is about to become the worldwide leader in financing and taking public junior clean power technology companies. Our province has experienced a dreadful energy policy in the past, relying on the twin towers of toxicity, coal and uranium, to power relentless growth and massive wasting of electricity.

The current government has made strides in recent months to understand the high growth nature of our industry, and what is required for Ontario to become and stay a player. Net metering and feed-in tariffs go a long way towards establishing a foundation to support two decades of employment growth.

The next step is cannibalizing these ancient communist-style generating plants (Pickering was built in the 60s using 50s technology, while Darlington was built in the 70s utilizing 60s tech, to say nothing of Bruce and the coal burners) by replacing them with green, renewable power.

Toronto shops will finance and the TSX will list companies operating in these sectors and more:

windpower incl land-based, offshore, micro
biogas / biomass / biofuels
photovoltaic solar
energy efficiency
smart grid technology
electric vehicles
wave energy / tidal power

Smart Bay Street research departments will train a team of analysts and assistants to live within this industry, uncovering gems in Canada, the USA, Europe, Asia and all over the world.

Alternative Energy Investing, Green Power Stocks

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